
Showing posts from July, 2020

How To Crack Software Testing Interview

Hey all of you    Here we learn How to Crack Software Testing Interview I am writing this blog for cracked the interview. Here I am sharing experience of the interview. Some steps before Interviews If you have Completed Software Development Engineer in Test (SDET) then must revise all things. when you are going to revise , you should make a note of important points  which are very helpful and  useful when you make this note.   You are not required to revise all the things because when you are fresher then the interviewer asks only basic concepts which are related to your course because you have completed Course only.   One more thing which are required is your final year graduation project.   Sometimes it is not compulsory that your project  belongs to Software if you are from Non-technical background. Be ready  for answer when interviewer asks the question of your project.   If you are from Technical Background then prepare all the answers of your project